Liam Mcintyre from Spartacus
Liam Mcintyre became well known after his relevant role as the protagonist of the Spartacus series after the unfortunate death of the first and brilliant actor Andy Whitfield.
Liam Mcintyre became well known after his relevant role as the protagonist of the Spartacus series after the unfortunate death of the first and brilliant actor Andy Whitfield.
You may not know who the actor Andy Whitfield from Spartacus. He became popularly known after the first season of the Spartacus series, but in addition, he had several roles in different films, check it out.
Crixus in the Spartacus series is undoubtedly one of the best known gladiators. He has an irritable temperament and is kind of "Xucro". It did exist and played a relevant role in the 3rd Servile War.
Gannicus is perhaps the gladiator with the most personality within the Spartacus series. It is known to us that you love this character. Check out everything about Gannicus within the story and in the series.
You certainly met Theokoles within the Spartacus series (Rival of Oenomaus) and wondered if this monster really existed. Know its history inside the series and some speculations outside it.
You have certainly heard of Spartacus. Nowadays, Spartacus is synonymous with Freedom, but it wasn't always like that ... A lifetime ago, Spartacus was just a slave. Who was Spartacus in real life.
Are you a fan of the Spartacus series, or have you at least watched the series of the ex-slave who became a free man and made the Roman republic itself tremble? If so, check out a perfect movie below for you!
Discover countless reasons to Watch Spartacus! This is a series produced by Starz, it is also the most acclaimed by the producer! If you haven't watched the series yet, check out our website.
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