13 Reasons Why is an American television series based on Jay Asher's Thirteen Reasons Why (2007) and adapted by Brian Yorkey for Netflix. The series revolves around a student who commits suicide after a series of culminating failures, caused by selected individuals within her school. A box of cassettes recorded by Hannah before committing suicide reports thirteen reasons why she took her own life. Diana Son and Brian Yorkey are the showrunners of the series. The first season has thirteen episodes. The series is produced by July Moon Productions, Kicked to the Curb Productions, Anonymous Content and Paramount Television.
Originally planned as a film to be released by Universal Pictures, with Selena Gomez in the lead role, the adaptation was turned into a television series by Netflix in late 2015. Selena Gomez served as an executive producer. The first season, and the special 13 Reasons Why: Beyond the Reasons, were released on Netflix on March 31, 2017.