Higino's list attributes him as children of his union with Dies (Hemera), Earth (Gaia), Coelum (Uranus) and Mare (Tálassa), and then with Terra, from Dolor (pain), Dolus, (deceit), Wrath (fury), Luctus (mourning), Mendacium (lies), Jusiurandum (oath), Ultio (punishment), Intemperantia (intemperance), Altercatio (altercation), Oblivio (forgetfulness), Socordia (laziness), Timor (fear), Superbia (superb), Incestum (incest), and Pugna (strife). Cicero attributes paternity to Uranus. He was also considered by Aristophanes to be the father of the Nepheles, cloud nymphs.
Just as Erebus, who personifies the upper darkness, has Nyx as his surface superficial darkness (and, in some versions, he appears as the son of that one), it can be interpreted that Ether has his Uranus correspondent (who now appears as a son) , prays as a father).