Cadmus, king and founder of Thebes, was married to Harmonia, daughter of Ares and Aphrodite. Cadmo and Harmonia had several children, Autónoe, Ino, Semele, Agave and Polidoro.
Zeus impregnated Semele, without Hera's knowledge, and promised Semele that she could ask for whatever she wanted; deceived by Hera, she asked Zeus to show himself to her in his real form, as he showed himself to Hera. Unable to refuse, Zeus appears in a chariot of lightning and thunder, and Semele dies, due to the fright; Zeus takes the premature baby of six months, and raises it on his thigh. Semele's sisters, however, said she had become pregnant by a mortal, falsely accusing Zeus of murdering her with lightning.
When Dionysos was born, Zeus undid the stitches, and gave the baby to Hermes, who gave it to Ino and her husband Atamante, ordering him to be raised as a girl. But Hera made Atamante go crazy, and kill his son Learco, mistaking him for a deer; Ino then killed the other son Melicertes, and threw himself, with the dead son, at the bottom of the sea.
Zeus, however, deceived Hera, turning Dionysus into a boy, and handed him over to the nymphs who lived in Nisa, Asia; these nymphs, as a prize, were transformed into the stars called Hyads.