El Chavo del Ocho is a situation comedy that deals with the interactions of a group of people who live in a village. The protagonist, Chavo, is an eight-year-old orphan boy who often faces problems with adults, including Madruga, Florinda and Clotilde due to misunderstandings, distractions or mischief. He also lives with his friends Quico and Chiquinha, who are of the same age group. Chaves is often found in a wooden barrel, according to the character himself, it is just a hiding place, in fact he lives in the house at number 8.
Practically, the plot unfolds in this village, which has an owner like Barriga, and the residents Madruga, Neves and Chiquinha (in house 72), Clotilde, nicknamed the Witch of the 71 due to her appearance and her house number, in house 14, Florinda and her son Quico live. Gloria and her niece Paty will remain in the house 24, and later, Jaiminho. Edwiges (nicknamed Louca da Escadaria due to her house being located at the top of a staircase) also lived there.