Erebus: Ancient God of Greek Mythology

     Erebus is, in Greek Mythology, the God of Darkness and the personification of evil and darkness; he is Nix's brother and lives in a dark and empty place called Void, check.

Erebus in Greek Mythology:

     Erebus, in Greek Mythology, the personification of darkness and darkness. Its domains are demarcated by its dark and lifeless robes, predominating over the regions of space known as "Vacuum" just above the night robes of its sister Nix, the personification of the night. Erebus was the son of Chaos. 

     Erebus along with his twin sister, Nix, the personification of the night, were born from scissions as well as single-celled beings reproduce; from parts of Chaos, Érebo and Nix become the oldest immortals in the universe, right after their father.


     Erebus married Nix, generating two more primordial gods: the Ether (the heavenly Light) and Hemera (the Day). Like her sister, she was able to take away the immortality of the gods. Erebo is the universe itself, lord of the cosmos and black holes. Today, however, it is a forgotten power. 

     He is incarcerated in Tartarus. In the past, he intended to release, alone, the Titans imprisoned by the Olympians shortly after Titanomaquia, meanwhile he fell into an ambush set up by his sister. Zeus, Hades and Nix, fearful of the power of the great primordial god and the possible return of the Titans, prevented him; the three, united, each using their unique powers, threw Erebus into the infernal river Aqueronte, the river of death. Then they sent the weakened body of the enemy to Tartarus, the only prison capable of stopping it.
     Ether: in Greek mythology, it is the personification of the concept of "upper sky", the "sky without limits", different from Uranus. It is the high, pure and brilliant air, breathed by the Olympic gods, in contrast to the dark air, that mortals breathed, being a god unknown to matter, consequently the air molecules that form air and its derivatives.
     Hemera: she was the daughter of Nix (at night) with Erebus (the darkness), a primordial entity and the personification of daylight and the morning cycle. According to the Roman poet Higino, he had a romance with his brother Ether and with him he had three children, Gaia (the Earth), Uranus (Latin: Coelus, the sky), and Tálassa (the sea). He was born with Ether and the Hespérides. Heméra's equivalent in Roman myth was Dies.

A Little more About Erebus:

     He is known to be one of Zeus' greatest enemies. It is said that the Titans asked for help from Erebus and personally the first descended to Tartarus to free the children of Gaia, but he was surprised by Zeus and Hades who had the help of Nix to launch Erebus into the depths of the Aqueronte River, the border of the two worlds. As the mythical thinking of the Greeks developed, Erebus gave his name to a region of Hades, where the dead had to pass immediately after death to enter the underworld. After Charon made them cross the Aqueronte River, they entered Tartarus, the underworld itself. 

Suns of Erebus:

     In addition to Ether and Hemera, Erebus had other children with Nix. These were true and proper deities, but also personifications of abstractions, among which:
  • Thanatos: Personification of Death;
  • Hypnos: Personification of sleep and twin brother of Tanatos;
  • Oniros: Personifications of dreams;
  • Momo: sarcasm and irony, expelled from Olympus for harshly criticizing Zeus and tenderness
  • Nemesis: Revenge;
  • Moros: Fate.
  • Geras: Representation of old age;
  • Apate: Representation of Deception;
  • Éris: Discord (Call of Discord in Roman mythology);
  • Queres: Violent death;
  • Oizus: Representation of misery;
  • Filotes: The representation of friendship.

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Erebus is, in Greek Mythology, the God of Darkness and the personification of evil and darkness; he is Nix's brother and lives in a dark and empty place called Void, check.

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