Glee is a television series created and produced by Ryan Murphy, Brad Falchuk and Ian Brennan for Fox. The series was shown in more than 60 countries between 2009 and 2015, with high ratings since its debut. Glee was a cultural landmark in good faith, and it quickly became a worldwide phenomenon with critical acclaim, a fan base, over 43 million songs sold, two sold out concert tours, prestige from the White House, and numerous awards including three Golden Globes, four Emmy Awards, six Satelit Awards and fifty-seven other awards.
The Glee story takes place at the fictional William McKinley High School in Lima, Ohio, and revolves around a group of enthusiastic and ambitious students in their struggle to live their daily lives in the school's cruel corridors. Will Schuester takes over the direction of the choir club and tries to restore it to its former glory, in addition to always defending the existence of the club for trainer Sue Sylvester who does everything to end the arts at school.