Guardians of the Galaxy, In 1988, on Earth, after the death of his mother, the young Peter Quill is kidnapped from the earth by the Ravagers, a group of space pirates led by Yondu Udonta (Michael Rooker). Twenty-six years later, Quill, now a self-styled Star Lord mercenary (Chris Pratt), steals a metallic sphere on the planet Morag and is intercepted by the alien Kree, Korath (Djimon Hounsou), a subordinate of the terrorist Ronan (Lee Pace). Although Quill runs away with the artifact, Yondu discovers his theft and issues a reward for his capture. At the same time, Ronan sends the killer Gamora (Zoe Saldana) behind the orb.
When Quill tries to sell the orb in Xandar, he is attacked by Gamora, who steals it. Soon the fight expands with the arrival of a pair of bounty hunters in search of Quill: the genetically modified raccoon Rocky (Bradley Cooper) and the humanoid Groot tree (Vin Diesel).