Hermes Trismegistus: Fusion of the Gods

     Find out who Hermes Trismegistro was and if he really was the fusion of the Greek god Hermes with the Egyptian god Toth. His history is extremely old and he is considered the ancient Christ.

Who Was Hermes Trismegistus?

     Hermes Trismegisto (in Latin: Hermes Trismegistus; Hermes, the three times great) was an Egyptian legislator and philosopher, who lived in the Ninus region around 1,330 BC or before; the estimate is from 1,500 BC to 2,500 BC. His contribution was recorded through thirty-six books on theology and philosophy, as well as six on medicine, all lost or destroyed after invasions in Egypt. 

     The study of his philosophy is called hermeticism. Due to the diversity of themes, it is unlikely that all of these books were written by a single person, but they represent the knowledge accumulated by the Egyptians over time. Hermetic literature today has been almost lost. It is estimated that Hermes Trismegisto was the inspiration for several ancient thinkers who succeeded him, such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

Hermes Trismegistus:

     Also called Hermes Trismegistro, some say he was a great thinker of antiquity, including the predecessor of Jesus Christ. There are also those who say that Hermes Trismegistro was the fusion of the Greek God Hermes, with the Egyptian God Toth. Among his works, the one that stood out the most was the Caibalion, which alone brings together 7 Hermetic principles (where Hermeticism came from) and these laws explain in a spiritual way what all religions have in common making them work.

"The lips of wisdom are closed, except for the ears of understanding." - The Caibalion

     About his works, according to Clemente de Alexandria, there were 42 books divided into six sets. The first dealt with the education of priests. The second, of temple rituals. The third, geology, geography, botany and agriculture. The fourth, astronomy and astrology, mathematics and architecture. The fifth contained hymns in praise of the gods and a guide to political action for kings. The sixth was a medical text. Hermes Trismegisto also used to credit the Book of the Dead or the Book of the Exit of Light, in addition to the most famous alchemical text - the "Emerald Table".

7 Hermetic Principles:

  • Law of Mentalism: "The Whole is Mind; the Universe is mental".
  • Law of Correspondence: "What is above is like what is below. What is inside is like what is outside".
  • Law of Vibration: "Nothing stands still, everything moves, everything vibrates".
  • Law of Polarity: "Everything is double, everything has two poles, everything has its opposite. Equal and unequal are the same thing. The extremes touch. All truths are half-truths. All paradoxes can be reconcilable".
  • Law of Rhythm: "Everything has ebb and flow, everything has its tides, everything rises and falls, the rhythm is the compensation".
  • Gender Law: "Gender is in everything: everything has its masculine and feminine principles, gender manifests itself in all levels of creation".
  • Law of Cause and Effect: "Every cause has its effect, every effect has its cause, there are many plans of causality but nothing escapes the Law".

What Was The Book of the Dead?

     Book of the Dead (whose original name, in ancient Egyptian, was Book of Going Out into the Light or Day Out) is the name given to a collection of ancient Egyptian spells, magic formulas, prayers, hymns and litanies in papyrus rolls and placed in the tombs next to the mummies. 

     The purpose of these texts was to help the dead man on his journey to the other world, avoiding any dangers that he might encounter on the journey to the Hereafter. The book was placed under the head of the mummy or next to it, or parts of it were copied into the tomb.

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