How were the Egyptian Gods represented?


     Discover now how the Egyptian Gods were represented. There is not only Ra, Isis and Osiris, there are many gods of Egypt. In this article you will know the main ones, as well as some iconic ones.

Who were the Egyptian Gods?

     It is always important to say that in Egyptian Mythology, the ancient Egyptians were a polytheistic society and with that, they believed in several gods. What makes these gods unique is the fact of Zoomorfism, that is, the gods had human bodies and the heads of animals: a hawk as in the case of the god Ra, a Nile crocodile as in the case of Sobek or even a tapir face, as in the case of case of the God Seth, also represented as the storm and bad events that happened in Egypt.

     Another very interesting point about the Egyptian Gods is the fact that many of them have symbolism, in the case of Horus, the famous eye he lost in the fight against Seth - the eye of Horus - in the case of Anubis, Ra and Sobek, for example. , held the Ankh symbol - eternal life.

List of Egyptian gods and how they were represented:

  • Horus - god of the sky and restorer of order. He was represented with a human body and a falcon's head. His eyes represented the Sun and Moon. It was Horus who defeated Seth.
  • Khnum - god of creativity, controller of the waters of the Nile River.
  • Maat - goddess of justice, truth and cosmic balance.
  • Ptah - god of wisdom. Usually represented as a 40-year-old male.
  • Seth - god of chaos, storm, evil, disorder, drought and violence. He was represented with a human body and the head of a tapir.
  • Sobek - god of patience, cunning and the Nile River. He had the face of a crocodile;
  • Osiris - god of the afterlife and vegetation. Depicted as a deceased.
  • Isis - goddess of love, magic and resurrection. Isis had the body and head of a woman, but the wings of an eagle;
  • Tefnut - god representing the cloud and moisture.
  • Sekhmeth - goddess of the destructive side of the Sun. Also represented to war and healing.
  • Anuket - goddess of water and the Nile River.
  • Wadjet - deity associated with the protection of the pharaoh. She was represented with a serpent's body on a woman's torso and head;
  • Hathor - goddess represented to love, they were usually seen with the head of a cow;

More Gods of Egypt:

  • Chu - god of dry air and sunlight.
  • Mut - goddess of the sky of the city of Thebes and wife of Amun. She was of great importance in Egyptian religion as she was considered the mother goddess.
  • Sacmis - Goddess of War, Vengeance and Medicine.
  • Amun - god of the creative force of life and the occult. He was the protective deity of the city of Thebes.
  • Amonet - goddess of the creative force of life.
  • Nephthys - Goddess of fighting, night and darkness. He was the brother of Isis, Osiris and Seti. She was also known as Nebet-Het and was represented (half her body) as a dead woman;
  • Anukis - goddess of sexuality.
  • Apis - god of the personification of the earth.
  • Bes - god of pleasure and joy.
  • Dyehuty - god of wisdom and writing.
  • Khepri - god of renewal. At a later time this god was merged with Ra. The Pharaoh of the time wanted to turn Egypt into a monotheistic culture, but it didn't work out very well. Khepri was represented with the head of a scarab;
  • Khonsu - God of the Moon.
  • Min - protective god of caravans.
  • Neith - goddess of hunting.
  • Upuaut - funerary and war god.
  • Seshat - goddess of astronomy and writing.
  • Ihi - god of music (musical harmony).
  • Geb - god of the earth.
  • Apophis - god of chaos. He was represented as a giant serpent and every morning, Ra would defeat him to rid the world of darkness. Seth helped him in his solar barge;
  • Medjet - dark god mentioned in the Book of the Dead.
  • Sokar - god of darkness, underworld and funerary god.

And several other gods. Ancient Egypt is perhaps one of the most complex mythologies to study, this is because there were many ages, thousands of kings and the gods change their name and meaning over time, even so, it is a society of great value to be studied. and understood.

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