Oceanus: Gaia Son of Greek Mythology

     Oceanus, in Greek Mythology is Son of Gaia and Uranus (Heaven). He is one of the 12 Titans of the First Generation and is known to be the ancient Poseidon! Check out everything about this Ancient God below.

Oceanus in Greek Mythology:

     Oceanus, in Greek Mythology, is the firstborn son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth), therefore the eldest of the titans. He was the god of flowing waters, of ebb and flow and the origin of all the liquid masses and freshwater sources in the world. The ocean was also the god that regulated the rise and fall of celestial bodies, which were believed to arise and descend in his aquatic kingdom at the ends of the earth. 

     In Greek cosmogony, the god Ocean was the great primordial cosmic river that surrounded the world, keeping it tight in the circular network of its waters. In the Hellenistic period, with the evolution of geographical knowledge, he became the god who personified the planet's oceans, making the distant Atlantic the seat of his aquatic domain, while Poseidon reigned over the Mediterranean. The oceans are so named after this ancient god.


     In the Iliad (Epic poem), Oceanus is called "the father of all beings". He joined his sister Tethys, goddess of the sources of pure water and personification of the underground aquifers that feed the world, and with it generated all rivers, wells, springs and rain clouds. The couple gave birth to more than 6000 children, composed of 3000 daughters (Oceânides) and 3000 sons (Potamoi), deities related to water and rivers. In Titanomaquia, Oceano and his wife did not side with the Titans, earning immense prestige among the Olympians. Oceano and Tethys were the adoptive parents of the goddess Hera, queen of the gods. Oceano served as patriarch and common ancestor for several divine generations, because his daughters Oceania were wives and companions of different gods, whether they were protogenoi (primordial), titans or Olympians. 

     The oceanides were nymphs (minor deities of nature) of great beauty, goddesses of streams, clouds, rains, springs and springs; the older ones were personifications of divine blessings or abstract concepts. Among the main ones were Métis (goddess of prudence and good advice), Clímene (goddess of fame), Eurínome (goddess of grasslands and pastures), Dóris (goddess of the encounter of the river with the sea and the rich fishermen at the mouth of the rivers ), Dione (goddess of the oracle of Dodona), Tikhé (goddess of good fortune and luck), Telesto (goddess of success), Peithó (goddess of persuasion and seduction), Paregoron (goddess of consolation), Plouto (goddess of consolation) wealth), Electra (goddess of storm clouds illuminated by the sun), Pleione (goddess of abundance), Hesion (goddess of foreknowledge), Rhodeia (goddess of flowering roses), Rhodope (goddess of pink clouds of dawn), Eudora ( goddess of fertile rains), Polidora (goddess of abundant rains), Galaxaura (goddess of the breeze that dispels mist) and Perseis (known as "the destroyer", goddess of the destructive powers of magic).


     The sons of Oceanus and Tethys, on the other hand, were the potamoi, gods who personified the rivers existing throughout the land. They had the same names as the rivers of which they were the divine manifestation. Potamoi were described as powerful gods and were feared by other deities. Among the main river gods were Escamandro (also known as Xanto, was the god of the river Escamandro, in Troia), Aqueloo (river god of Aetolia), Asterion (river god of Argos), Nile (river god of Egypt) ), Tiger (river god of Assyria), Euphrates (as well as brother, river god of Assyria), Orontes (river god of Syria), Ganges (river god of India), Eurotas (river god of Lacedemonia ), Erimanto (river god of Arcadia), Asopo (river god of Boeotia and Argos), Ilissos (river god of Attica), Peneu (river god of Thessaly), Titaressos (also a river god of the region Thessaly). 

     In addition to these, the five river gods of hell were especially fearful: Aqueronte (the river of pain), Flegetonte (the river of fire), Cocytes (the river of lamentation), Lete (the river of forgetfulness) and Styx ( the river of hate), the latter two being oceanic. Unwilling to conflict, Oceano would have refused to ally himself with Cronos in his revolt against his father Uranus. Although Oceano also remained neutral in the conflict that opposed Olympians and titans, he can be considered as one of the artisans of Zeus' victory over his brothers. That's because, at the height of the war, Oceano advised the goddess Estige, her powerful eldest daughter, to leave the field of the titans and fight alongside Zeus. Estige was a goddess who represented everything that the underground world, the infernal world and also the aquatic world behave in terms of dangerous force. 

     The waters of the River Styx were so powerful that any mortal who drank them would be immediately struck down. By allying with Zeus, she takes with her the children who were born from her union with the god Palas, son of Crio: Nice (goddess of victory), Zelo (god of dedication), Cratos (god of strength and domination power) and Bia (god of brutal violence).

A Little More about this Titan:

     With the help of these titanic forces, Zeus won the victory and distributed honors and privileges to those who came to his aid. Oceanus and Tethys would continue to involve the world in their liquid circuits and would always enjoy great respect and veneration from Zeus and the Olympians. Estige would also be venerated by the gods and, to honor her, the Olympians would descend into hell and toast with their waters whenever they took an inviolable oath. 

     If a god swore a false and lying oath, he would be reduced to total lethargy, as the waters of Stygian had the capacity to steal vitality from the gods, leaving them in a state of deep coma. In this sense, the ocean was elevated to the status of divine arbiter: whenever a fight between gods threatened to turn into an open war, Estige was summoned to Olympus to suddenly end the conflict by knocking out the contenting parties. Finally, Zeus would not forget to honor her children: the king of the gods would permanently surround himself with the grandsons of Oceano, Cratos (the power of universal sovereignty) and Bia (the ability to unleash a violence against which there is no possible defense). 

      More than honor or gratitude, Zeus really needed their help to maintain divine order and his own protection. When Zeus moved, wherever he went, Cratos and Bia were always with him, on his right and on his left. Nice drove Zeus's chariot and accompanied Athena in battle.

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