Top 10 Paulo Coelho Quotes about Life and Love

     Paulo Coelho Quotes about Love: The 10 most striking and longing phrases of Paulo Coelho you can only find here. Inspirational and Motivational Phrases!

Who is Paulo Coelho?

     Paulo Coelho de Souza was born in Rio de Janeiro on August 24, 1947, the son of Lygia Araripe with Pedro Paulo Queima Coelho de Souza. She is a descendant of Bárbara de Alencar, grandmother of also writer José de Alencar and one of the leaders of the Pernambucana Revolution. 

     Coming from an upper class family, Paulo Coelho joined the traditional Colégio Santo Inácio in his hometown, then capital of Brazil, at the age of 7. From an early age, he liked to write and kept a diary. At school, he participated in poetry contests and theater courses with his colleague Paulo Cunha. However, his father wanted him to be an engineer and his mother discouraged him from pursuing a writing career. 

Paulo Coelho Quotes about Love:

"How many things have we lost for fear of losing."

"When you want something, the whole universe conspires for you to fulfill your desire."

"Whoever tries to own a flower, will see its beauty withering. But whoever just looks at a flower in a field, will remain with it forever. You will never be mine and that is why I will have you forever."

"There is nothing completely wrong in the world, even a stopped watch can be right twice a day."

"It is easier to love than to be loved. Accept love: it will not wait forever."

Paulo Coelho Quotes about Life:

"It is one thing to think that you are on the right path, it is another to think that your path is the only one. We can never judge the lives of others, because everyone knows their own pain and renunciation."

"When someone finds their way, they need to have enough courage to take the wrong steps. Disappointments, defeats, discouragement are tools that God uses to show the road."

"If you don't wake up early, you will never be able to see the sun rising. If you don't pray, although God is always near, you will never be able to notice his presence."

"Every day God gives us a moment when it is possible to change everything that makes us unhappy. The magic moment is the moment when a 'yes' or a 'no' can change our entire existence."

"Although my goal is to understand love, and although I suffer because of the people to whom I gave my heart, I see that those who touched my soul failed to awaken my body, and those who touched my body failed to reach my soul."

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