Pontus: God of Open Sea in Greek Mythology

     Pontus: This being is the Titan personified as the open sea. It is extremely scarce in Greek and Roman mythologies. Check out some facts about this Ancient God and also mythological sea creatures.

Pontus in Greek Mythology:

     Pontus, in Greek Mythology, was the divinity of the open sea, that is, of the depths of the sea. According to Hesiod, in his work Theogony, like Uranus and the Oreas, Ponto was born through Parthenogenesis of Gaia, the Earth, that is, Gaia generated Ponto by itself. 

     Higino stated that Ponto is the son of Terra with Coelum (Roman name of Uranus). With Gaia, Ponto generated the old man of the sea Nereus, the wonders of the sea, Taumas, the dangerous aspects of the sea, Fórcis, his sister and wife, Ceto, and the fury of the sea, Euribia. With Tálassa, he was the father of the Telquines.


     Nereus, in Greek Mythology, is a primitive marine god, represented as an elderly character - the old man of the sea. He is the son of Ponto and Gaia. He married the oceanic Doris and fathered fifty daughters, the Nereiads, and a son, Nérites. His kingdom is the Mediterranean, and more particularly, the Aegean. He is known for his virtues and wisdom. Píndaro celebrates his benevolent justice, hence his epithets "veridico", benfazejo "," without lying or forgetting ".


     Taumas, in Greek Mythology, is a marine deity, from the generation of the Titans, son of Ponto and Gaia. He is the companion of ocêanide Electra, daughter of Oceano, with whom he is father of Íris, messenger of the goddess Hera, and his twin sister Arce (the morning dew) messenger of the Titans during the war waged against the Olympic gods, and the three Harpies : Aelo (the storm), Ocípite (the fast one in the flight) and Celeno (the dark one).


     Forcis: Son of Ponto, the Sea, and of Gaia, the Earth. He married his sister Ceto, who gave birth to monstrous children: the Gorgons, Greias, Ladão and Echidna. Pontos married his own mother, Gaia, and had several children: Nereu, Taumas, Fórcis, Ceto and Euríbia. Ceto and Fórcis were parents of the two Greias: Ênio and Pênfredo, besides Dino, added later, the three górgonas: Esteno, Euríale and Medusa and the serpent that keeps the golden apples, the Dragon of the Hesperides, besides Echidna, the nymph viper.


     Cetus or Ketus, in Greek Mythology, is a primordial marine deity daughter of Pontos, the Sea, and Gaia, the Earth. The name Cetus, which means "monster", is how the ancient Greeks called whales, which for them were sea monsters. Ceto is the personification of the dangers of the sea. She was more specifically a goddess of whales, sharks and sea monsters. Also considered a goddess of horrors and strange, colorful and exuberant forms that the sea can produce and reveal to men. Sister and wife of Fórcis, the goddess receives these epithets: Krataiis (Κράταιις, "powerful, of the rocks"); Lamía (Λαμία, "the shark"); Triennes (Τρίενος, "within three years"). 

     Its symbols are whales; sharks; big fish and the sea. According to Hesiod, in his Theogony, Ceto was an extremely beautiful goddess who begat beautiful but dangerous daughters and hated by the gods. However, as is common to marine deities, Ceto has a dual aspect: while she was considered to have divine beauty, they were also seen with an abyssal monster capable of generating other monsters like herself: the Gorgons, the Greias and the sleepless Dragon Ladão . Echidna, also his daughter, was an ambiguous creature, with the trunk of a beautiful nymph and a snake's tail instead of the limbs.


     Euribia or Eurybía, in Greek Mythology, was the goddess of fury and violence of the sea, consort of Titan Crio, who gave birth to Astreu, Perses and Palas. It was a minor deity of the sea, under Poseidon's rule. His parents were Ponto and Gaia. Téspio's daughter was also called Euribia; she had a son with the hero Heracles, named Polilau.


     Telkines, in Greek Mythology, were sea demons, children of Ponto com Tálassa, who had dog heads, their bodies were smooth and black like that of marine mammals, with short and thick legs, which were half flippers, half feet, and humanlike hands, with sharp claws. In some versions of the myth of Poseidon, they were the creators of the sea god's trident, not the Cyclops. But when they began to use black magic they were thrown to Tartarus by Zeus. In other myths, there are reports that magic was immune, even from Hecate. Halia, sister of the Telkines, was loved by Poseidon, with whom she had six sons and one daughter, Rode, who named the island of Rhodes.

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