Prison Break is an acclaimed American action, crime and drama television series originally broadcast by Fox since August 29, 2005. In 2015, Fox announced a fifth season with 9 episodes, which premiered on April 4, 2017. FOX recently confirmed the production of the series' sixth season, but has not released many details about it. The story revolves around Lincoln Burrows, a man who was sentenced to death for allegedly murdering the brother of the US vice president, and his brother, Michael Scofield, a civil engineer, who creates a plan to rescue him from prison.
Before it runs. Michael, considered a creative genius by his psychiatrist, tattoos the prison map (camouflaged by other images) on his body and robs a bank to be arrested and sent to Fox River State Penitentiary, where his brother is on death row . Inside the prison, Scofield must make dangerous alliances with highly dangerous inmates, such as T-Bag, a murderous pedophile sentenced to life in prison, and John Abruzzi, a former mafia boss.