Spartacus Series: All about Segovax


     Segovax has the masculine virtue that all men dream of, in addition to proving himself worthy in hand-to-hand combat, this icon in the Spartacus series died prematurely, which is a shame as he would certainly have been a great gladiator, check it out.


     Segovax is a Gallic slave bought by Batiatus in the market to train at Ludus de Batiatus. Segovax has long, dark dreadlocks that fall below your shoulders. He is taller than average, tanned and very muscular. He was compared to the other recruits as having a larger than average penis, which is why Ilithyia chose him as her gladiator. He idolizes Spartacus and seeks to follow him, gaining glory in the arena and eventually buying his freedom. He respects Spartacus when he is seen asking for advice on his training, but shows no loyalty to him. His attempt to kill Spartacus by order of Ilithyia shows that he values his freedom from slavery above all and will do anything to win it.


     Segovax was a slave to be sold on the market and was bought by Batiatus, along with Duro and Agron and three others, for 100 denarii. In the ludus line-up, he is silent while he and the other recruits are taught by Batiatus and Doctore, and he remains silent while being ordered to remove his sublingerie for Ilithyia. While he and the recruits are in his cell, Segovax tells others about how to gain freedom through glory in the arena and his desire to do so. He kills another recruit during training and moves to train with Spartacus to prove his worth, but must hand over his sword to Crixus. Later, Segovax nude approaches Spartacus in the baths and asks for advice to train and gain his freedom, but is told to forget about freedom and life outside the ludus.

     He is summoned by Ilithyia and she tells him that she is his Domina, and to please her will have her wishes fulfilled, even her freedom. Upon hearing this, her interest peaks and Ilithyia tells him that she too has a wish to be fulfilled and that he will fulfill his wish.

     Shortly afterwards, Segovax is seen attacking Spartacus from behind as he relaxes in the baths. He almost manages to strangle Spartacus by force, but is stopped by Crixus. When asked by Batiatus and Lucretia why he attacked Spartacus, he reveals no reason to prove his loyalty to Ilithyia, even after having his penis removed as a punishment. He is crucified in the ludus by his fellow gladiators, presumed to be killed by a disappointed and enraged Ilithyia. Had Crixus not appeared, Spartacus would have had a pitiful end in the hands of the Gaul.


  • Segovax is the first character in the series to be crucified and the only one to be emasculated. In addition, he is the only character in the series to be crucified by his fellow gladiators. Source
  • Segovax was a name recorded in Julius Caesar's Comments on the Gaul War as one of the kings of the Cantiaci tribe in southern Britain. Much of southern Britain in the first century BC was dominated by Belgian Celts, a hybrid German-Gallic population from the Belgium-Netherlands region. Segovax may have originated from Belgae.
  • Spartacus never learns that Illythia ordered Segofax to attempt on his life, but he strongly suspected that. However, it is implied that Batiatus and Lucretia were aware of their involvement, or at least very suspicious as well.
  • Later, they confirmed their knowledge in Prostituta.
  • When he is first introduced to the ludus with the other gladiators, and they are forced to undress to attract the eyes of Ilithyia and the other men, immediate attention is drawn to his penis, which is much larger. You can see he has pubic hair. Later, when Segovax approaches Spartacus in the baths while he is naked, his pubic hair is gone. It was probably shaved by the gaurds, since body hair is prohibited among gladiators.
  • Michael Edward, the actor who played Segovax, is 186 cm tall.
  • Segovax had a small tattoo on his right shoulder, which made him one of the few people who could be seen with them, others being Gannicus, Theokoles and Unnamed Murmillo. He is the only one of the four who is not a gladiator.


"Spartacus is a man to be considered an example. The slave sets the arena on fire. One day the flames will set him free."

"Gratitude ... for your help in my training."

"Forgive me ... Champion."

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