Spartacus Series: All about Egyptian


     The Egyptian is a mysterious character who works as a member of the Ashur Group. He is a prominent antagonist in Vengeance. Check out everything about this icon.

Who is the Egyptian?

     Tall and muscular man, the Egyptian is a silent and dangerous man who rarely speaks. He serves on Ashur's mercenary team after being released from prison.

Skills in Combat:

     The Egyptian is brutal in his fight, preferring to use two daggers to cut and disembowel his opponents, as they are faster weapons. He would also use a khopesh - an Egyptian sword like a scythe. He is a dangerous fighter covered in scars from shoulder to shoulder, one for every life he takes and carves into his flesh.

     In terms of strength, skill, endurance and durability, the Egyptian stands out as one of the greatest fighters portrayed in the series, with skills above the combat levels of most rebels. This can be seen when he fights against some of the more experienced gladiators, such as Crixus, Oenomaus, Gannicus, Spartacus and stands firm. The Egyptian is also incredibly strong and seems very resistant to pain, as he is able to hit arrows in his body firmly and still be able to fight.


     After convincing Glaber that a different type of fighter than Roman soldiers was necessary to defeat the rebels, Ashur begins to recruit the most bestial of men in Capua. His quest leads him to recruit mercenaries and criminals, and eventually he arrives at Capua prison to recruit the Egyptian, having heard of his combat prowess. 

     Due to the Egyptian's extreme violence, he was forcibly separated from the other prisoners, guards and placed in a grave deep within the prison walls. Ashur threatens the guards to free him, and throws a rope at the Egyptian so he can get out of the pit. As a test of the fighting ability of his new group, Glaber leads them to slaughter the House of Seppius, where the Egyptian kills several slaves and guards in the house with his twin daggers.

     After the Seppius massacre, the Egyptian and his fellow mercenaries are ordered by Glaber to crucify Illithyia's personal slave, partly as a warning against Spartacus, and also as a measure of revenge against Ilithyia. The Egyptian hits the slave in the face, before Ashur's group nails her to a wooden pole.

     After Gannicus kidnaps Ilithyia, Glaber takes the mercenaries to a brothel that Gannicus frequented to interrogate residents and clients. There the Egyptian shows immense strength by breaking the neck of a drunk who dared to comment on Glaber's appearance in the brothel, twisting his neck back easily. The locals are visibly horrified by this feat. 

     Despite the intrusion and violent questioning, it was discovered that the only person there who knew Gannicus, Marcia, had been crucified previously, leaving Glaber with no one to question. Despite this, Glaber orders the Egyptian and the other mercenaries to interrogate the brothel-goers, resulting in all residents being relentlessly tortured and massacred. The mercenaries continue from brothel to brothel, seeking information and violently killing everyone who has nothing to give, only to return empty-handed.


  • Stephen Dunlevy, the actor who plays the Egyptian, is 192 cm tall.
  • The Egyptian is the only antagonist in the series who fought against four (ex) arena champions - Spartacus, Crixus, Gannicus and Oenomaus.
  • The Egyptian never speaks of any of his appearances, except for one occasion, when he hands Lucius Celio's head to Ashur.
  • The Egyptian may have been part of a section of Egyptian society known during the Ptolemaic era (centuries 3 to 1 BC) as Epigovoi. Epigovoi were mixed-race children or descendants of native Egyptian mothers and Katoikoi fathers (military settlers), who were often of Greek, Celtic or Thracian origin.
  • If the Egyptian were an epigewos (foreign mestizo), this could partly explain his chosen profession as a mercenary, because contemporary Egyptian religious beliefs involved a great fear of dying abroad, as the proper funerary rites would be unknown to foreigners.
  • A Latin mercenary was Mercennarius, which means "mercenary".
  • The Latin word for a murderer would be Sicarius, which literally means "daggerman".

The Only Quote of this Icon:

"It is a Roman, Lucius Caelius." ―The Egyptian for Ashur

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