Suits is a legal American drama television series, created and written by Aaron Korsh. The series premiered on June 23, 2011, on the USA Network channel, where it currently airs. Suits takes place in a fictional law firm in New York City. The series focuses on the characters Mike Ross, played by Patrick J. Adams, who initially works as a legal associate for Harvey Specter, played by Gabriel Macht, although Mike never attended law school.
The series has been nominated for several awards since 2012, where Gina Torres and Patrick J. Adams received several accolades for their roles as Jessica Pearson and Mike Ross, respectively. Gina won the award for "Best Supporting Actress in a Television Series", offered by the NHMC Impact Awards. Patrick was nominated for "Best Actor in a Drama Series", and the series was nominated twice for the People's Choice Awards, as "Best Drama Series on Closed Channel."