Spartacus Series: All about Sura


     Sura was the Thracian wife of Spartacus, who was tragically taken from him by his most hated enemy, Claudius Glaber. However, her memory was kept alive and honored by her husband.

Appearance and Personality:

     Despite generally wearing only a set of simple, ordinary clothes, Sura was still an extremely beautiful woman, with a voluptuous and shapely body and long, wavy dark brown hair. Her beauty was so great that she caught the attention of Spartacus, who at that time was a womanizer, and after lying with her, he fell in love.

     As a prophetess of the gods, Sura had the ability to predict the future in dreams and was therefore wise, intuitive and psychic. When she and Spartacus met, she admitted that she already knew him and that she was the only woman he would love. Like his wife, Sura was faithful, loving and dedicated to her husband's well-being: she often advised Spartacus on the best way forward, and although he neither favored nor fully believed in the gods, she still shared with him the wisdom that they had given it to her through her abilities.

     A notable quality in Sura would be his respect for the free will of others: although she wished to see Spartacus out of danger, she still respected his choices and left him on his way, despite his own doubts about those choices.

     Even after her death, Spartacus constantly saw her in his dreams, where she pointed him in the right direction. Last but not least, Sura was obstinate and ingenious, fighting fiercely to defend herself when attacked by barbarians in the absence of Spartacus.

Blood and Sand:

     When Spartacus chooses to fight the Romans, Sura begs him not to go, prophesying that if he goes, he will find himself kneeling before a red snake and terrible things will happen. Upon Spartacus' return, she is being attacked by barbarians and helps him fight them. Together, they flee their home village and camp in the desert. However, seeking revenge for Spartacus' betrayal, Gaius Claudius Glaber captures and enslaves the two in the darkness of the night, separating them immediately. Sura screams in the guards' arms as they carry her away from her husband.

     During her time in captivity, she is bought by a Syrian man and must be transported to Syria. At the request of Batiatus, Marcus Pelorus seeks out Thracian women being sold by Syrians. It was purchased by Pelorus shortly before his death and arrives in Neápolis shortly after the departure of Batiatus and Spartacus back to Capua.

     She is sent to the heir to the property of Pelorus (Batiatus). However, Batiatus believes (correctly) that Spartacus can try to escape the ludus once he and Sura are reunited, and she is mortally wounded by her servant, Aulus, on the road, so that she dies in Spartacus's arms when she arrives. . Spartacus believes that her caravan was attacked, but revealed that it was at Batiatus' order to break his desire for freedom.

     After her death, Spartacus still sees Sura in his dreams and visions. After Varro's death, while Spartacus is recovering from his injuries, Sura and Varro come to Spartacus in a vision. Sura tells him to look after Old Wounds, encouraging him to check on Aulus for injuries from the alleged caravan attack. Spartacus strangled Aulus and thus discovered the truth about his wife's death and killed Aulus for his actions and "became himself" again. Spartacus soon decided to lead a rebellion using Sura's words and personally confront Batiatus.


     Before Spartacus finally kills Glaber, there is a succession of visions of Sura as she is captured by the Romans, and after Glaber's death, another series of visions of Sura being buried. With Aulus, Batiatus and Glaber now dead, Spartacus' mind is now at peace and without Vengeance.

Historical context:

     Historically, there are some sources that say that Spartacus did indeed have a wife, who was like him, a Thracian, and was enslaved with him after he abandoned the Roman legions and allegedly sold with him to Batiatus. The sources say that she was a prophetess who actually imagined Spartacus being strangled by a snake, which she prophesied that meant that Spartacus would be destined for big and unhappy things.

     She was probably a follower or priestess of Dionysus, the god of wine and ecstasy, and the national god of Thrace. Dionysian worship was banned throughout the Republic and could only be practiced by women and slaves. It is assumed that Spartacus's wife, along with any and all worshipers of Dionysus in the Spartacus rebellion, started a religious retinue that successfully convinced many of the rebels that Spartacus was a "divine hero", perhaps a demigod or god in a human being Format.

Other Adaptations:

     Spartacus received a wife in several adaptations of Spartacus. An example is Varinia, who is a character in both the 1960 film Spartacus, starring Kirk Douglas, and the 2004 miniseries (both based on Howard Fast's 1951 novel). In the 1960 film, Varinia is portrayed as a British slave, and in the 2004 miniseries she is a Gallic slave. In both adaptations, she becomes Spartacus' concubine and later his wife. In the rebellion, she and Spartacus conceive a child together (in the Varinia miniseries she aborts, but ends up conceiving another child with him).

     She gives birth to a child in both adaptations. After the Spartacus rebellion is defeated, Varinia becomes hostage to Crassus along with his son, until they are helped by Senator Gracchus (Agrippa in the miniseries) and taken away from Rome, being led by Batiatus in the 1960 film and Flavius , one of Agripa's allies, in the miniseries. Varinia's fate is unknown in the 1960 film, but in the miniseries she and her son (whom she calls Spartacus) are taken to a village (possibly Gallic) to live in peace. Source


  • Erin Cummings, the actress who plays Sura, is 170 cm tall and weighs 58 kg.
  • At the premiere of the series "The Red Snake", Sura imagined that Spartacus would fall under a large red snake. At the end of the "Vitória" series, the final scene shows the tomb of Spartacus covered with the shield of Agron with the image of a red snake, fulfilling Sura's prophecy.
  • Sura was the second main character to be killed.
  • Sura is the abbreviation for "Suratralis", a Thracian name meaning "strong" or "brave".
  • As a member of the Maedi tribe of Thrace, the homeland of Sura would be in the region of what is now the province of Blagoevgrad in Bulgaria.

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