Sweet Tooth is a series of comic books that was published by the American publisher DC Comics through its editorial line Vertigo between 2009 and 2013, with 40 issues. Created and linked by writer and illustrator Jeff Lemire, the series is set in a post-apocalyptic future and takes place ten years after an event known as "The Scourge" devastated Planet Earth. All of the children born after the event are of a new species, a hybrid between humans and animals, including the protagonist, "Gus", a boy with the traits of a deer.
In 2010, a series was awarded to Eisner for "Best New Series" and, for his work, Lemire was nominated for the award in the "Best Writer" category in 2012. In Portuguese, the series was subtitled after the pocalypse and was published in its entirety between 2012 and 2014, with six bound volumes corresponding to the American originals, by the Brazilian branch of Panini Comics.