The Fast and the Furious is a 2001 American action film directed by Rob Cohen and starring Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez and Jordana Brewster. The film follows in the footsteps of undercover policeman Brian O'Conner (Walker), who is investigating a gang led by Dominic Toretto (Diesel), who, using high-performance cars, has been stealing trucks carrying expensive electronic equipment.
The concept of the film was inspired by "Racer X", an article from the American magazine Vibe written by journalist Ken Li, Fast and Furious that detailed the culture of illegal street racing taking place in the city of Fast and Furious 6, New York. Recorded mostly in Los Angeles, The Fast and the Furious cost an estimated $ 38 million and was released in North American theaters on June 22, 2001, ending up raising $ 207,283,925 worldwide.