The Shack is a drama film produced in the United States, directed by Stuart Hazeldine and scripted by John Fusco based on the novel of the same name by William P. Young (2007). The Hut was released in Brazil on April 6, 2017. The film addresses the recurring issue of the existence of evil through the story of Mackenzie Allen Phillips, a man who lives under the weight of the experience of having his six-year-old daughter Missy, abducted during a weekend camp.
The girl was never found, but signs that she was raped and murdered are found in a lost cabin in the mountains. Since then living under "The Great Sadness", Mack later receives a mysterious note supposedly written by God, inviting him to visit that same cabin. There, Mack will have an unusual encounter with God, from whom he will try to get an answer to the inevitable question:
"If God is so powerful, why doesn't he do anything to ease our suffering?"