Spartacus Series: All about Titus Calavius


     Titus Calavius, in the Spartacus series, was a magistrate of Rome and was often in the city of Capua. Batitatus esteemed him very much, but until his "Ambitious" political choice was cut.

Calavius in Spartacus:

     Titus Calavius is a high-ranking Roman magistrate and proud father of Numerius. Calavius is a very tall, thin man. He is an elderly man with white hair around the bald crown of his head. He is usually adorned with a magistrate's robes and acts as such.


     A businessman, Calavius takes his title as magistrate seriously, but he also enjoys the simplest joys of life. He has an interest in gladiator games and regularly attends them, and that interest is passed on to his son. He loves his wife, Domitia, and his son, Numerius, deeply and will do anything to please them.

     He was also shown to have a condescending view of the people he sees from the lower class, this was seen when he believed that Batiatus was inappropriate for politics and defiantly declared that he was inferior to him while being held hostage by him.


     Calavius ​​is seen for the first time participating in gladiator games along with his wife and son. At the next meeting, while Batiatus is buying Spartacus armor in honor of his victory over Theokoles, Calavius ​​is visibly distressed by the death of his cousin, Ovidius, and his family. He is investigating the matter and seeks revenge for those who committed the vile act. He receives the news that Ovid's boy still lives (false news planted by Ashur to make Barca look disobedient) and goes to personally rescue the boy, only to discover that the messenger has delivered a lie.

     On Numerius' 15th birthday, Calavius ​​fulfills his son's wishes and allows the party to be held in the ludus of Batiatus. Many guests come to the party and Calavius ​​is pleased with the result. When Numerius decides he wants Spartacus and Varro to fight, and then Varro dies, Calavius ​​supports his son's decision, claiming that he is a man and can make decisions. Batiatus, irritated by the change in events, but worried about losing his good reputation with Calavius, feels forced to make Spartacus obey. That same night, Batiatus, looking for someone to support him for a seat in the Senate, asks for Calavius' support. But Calavius ​​believes that Batiatus is not suitable for politics and suggests that he renounce his ambitions. Batiatus, mortified and humiliated, wants to take revenge.

     Batiatus later kidnaps Calavius ​​and keeps him trapped in the sewers while Aulo and Ashur keep watch. He threatens and hits Calavius, trying to blackmail him to get a seat in the Senate, but Calavius ​​refuses to obey, even managing to tear off a piece of Aulo's neck.

     Eventually, his throat is cut by Ashur and Solonius is guilty of his murder.


  • John Bach (pronounced "Baish"), the actor who plays Calavius, is 192 cm tall. He played Madril in Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings and also participated in another "sand and sandals" drama, Hercules, a 2005 TV movie, playing a character called Creon.
  • Apparently he knew Tito Lentulus Batiatus, as he mentioned in Shadow Games to Quintus that he knew Tito and called him a real Roman who knew his place.
  • John Bach incorrectly pronounces his character's name the first time he is used. The character calls himself "Cavalius" when announcing the Primus of his games, but later uses the real name "Calavius".
  • Calavius ​​may have been a Legatus before receiving the title of Magistrate.
  • As a local politician, Calavius ​​would be known as Curial. Curiales (plural) were the provincial equivalent of the Patrícia class in Rome itself. They were councilors at the local government level. Alternatively, local authorities in provincial cities like Capua would be known as Decuriones (not to be confused with the military title of Decurion Equitum).
  • It is possible that Calavius, as a magistrate, was indeed a Duumvir. A Duumvir was half the political position of two Duumviri men, who, like the consuls of the Roman Republic, were the magistrates or mayors of a local city. In that case, Calavius ​​may have held this position together with Magistrate Galieno.
  • Titus Calavius ​​may be a member of Gens Calavia, an ancient Campanian dynasty of Oscan origins. He may even be descended from a certain Pacuvius Calavius, a Meddix of Capua during the Second Punic War, when Hannibal entered the city.


"Do you want words from me? You can hear them well ... YOU ARE ONE ... A man tolerated for being the owner of Spartacus, the savior of Capua ... when he falls, you will soon follow him!"

"You don't realize it yet, do you; good Batiatus? You are below me and you will always be, in this life or the next. Do whatever it takes to assuage your wounded pride. I won't beg."


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