Spartacus Series: All about Tullius


     Tullius Severus is a wealthy merchant and ex-soldier in the Spartacus series, and is part of Capua's elite class. He appears exclusively as the main antagonist in Gods of the Arena.

Appearance and Personality:

     Tullius wears standard merchant clothes and always keeps his hair short and tidy. Tullius is a competent and respected businessman from Capua. He has an interest in games and gave his own slaves to work on building the arena. He wants to have his own fame in the sands and tries, repeatedly, to buy Gannicus from Batiatus, because he wants his own gladiator in the primus. Tullius is shown to have psychopathic tendencies. 

     He does not care who he hurts and, in fact, feels sadistic joy in the pain and humiliation of others - slaves and companions of the Roman elite. It should be noted, however, that he also seems to genuinely care for his friend and apprentice Vettius, whom he helps in business whenever possible.


     A former soldier of the Roman Republic, Tullius has skill with a sword. He, however, is not comparable to that of a gladiator, because when he faces Gannicus, Oenomaus tells Gannicus to let Tullius win.


     Tullius appears for the first time alongside Vettius and Sextus in the stands, watching the ancient arena of Capua. In the meantime, he is partially financing the construction of the new arena and his slaves are working on it. He appears late for the games, much to Batiatus' dismay, as he expected Tullius and Sextus to see Gannicus fighting and consider putting him at the opening of the New Arena Games.

     A later chance appears in the Capua markets, when Batiatus, accepting Vettius in a bet, makes Gannicus fight against Vettius' man, Otho, still blindfolded. Gannicus, against all odds, emerges the winner and Tullius is impressed. He invites Batiatus to his store (a slaughterhouse) for a business proposal.

     That night, Batiatus meets Tullius. The conversation continues on friendly terms and Tullius suggests that Gannicus enter the primus of the new arena and mentions the currency. Batiatus understands that this means that he can buy Gannicus 'house, but Tullius' intention is to buy the gladiator instead and allow Batiatus to enter other gladiators in the primus. When Batiatus refuses the offer, his slave is killed and a bag is pulled over his head. Batiatus is then violently beaten by the men of Tullius and Vettius. Tullius urinates on his face before telling him to reconsider the offer, leaving him beaten and bleeding on the street.

     Tullius continues to reiterate his offer, but Batiatus stubbornly refuses. When Tito returns to Capua from Sicily, he learns of Batiatus' dealings with Tullius through Solonius and immediately begins to fix things. He is educated with Tullius, who responds in the same way and does not resort to more doubtful modes of persuasion. They agree to remove Gannicus from the primus and have more Batiatus gladiators fight in the small area of ​​Capua.

     Subsequently, a party is held at Casa de Batiatus by the Capite elites. Tullius arrives without an invitation and challenges Gannicus to a battle, and Gannicus is humiliated because he is forced to restrain himself so as not to insult the guest. To try to make peace between Tullius and Batiatus, Lucretia's dearest friend, Gaia, offers herself to Tullius. They escape to an adjoining room, where they hug and Tullius tells Gaia how he wanted her when they were younger. He then brutally kills Gaia and leaves her and her favorite red wig on the floor. Tullius is also guilty of Titus' death, as it was his poisoned wine that killed Titus, unaware that the poison was added by Lucretia.

     Batiatus takes revenge by deceiving Tullius (along with Vettius) into an alley in the market, where they are attacked. Tullius is gagged and taken to the arena, where Batiatus, Gannicus and Oenomaus repeatedly stab him in the abdomen. They put him inside the walls of the arena he built, burying him alive. His absence is reported by Vettius, who was blackmailed to say that Tullius had to leave to take care of sudden business in Antioch.


  • Stephen Lovatt, the actor who plays Tullius, is 180 cm (5 '11 ") tall.
  • Tullius shares the name of one of the most famous Romans in history, Marcus Tullius Cicero.
  • Tullius may be related in some way to Gens Tullia, although he appears to come from a non-senatorial background.
  • Tullius is a highly respected and wealthy Roman merchant and butcher, extending his sponsorship to several businesses in Capua, including Vettius' ludus.
  • Tullius used his money to build the new arena.
  • Tullius killed Gaia by hitting his head with the wig hanger.
  • Steven S. DeKnight joked in a comment to The Bitter End that he would like to see Tullius dead or alive from rats during the fall of the arena seen on Libertus.
  • In the Blu-Ray Commentary for Gods of the Arena, Steven S. DeKnight suggests that Tullius may be a sexual sadist, who takes pleasure in hurting (or even killing) other people. Proof of this is his clear pleasure in beating and humiliating Batiatus, his pleasure in cutting and wounding Gannicus in his struggle (barely being able to contain himself not to kill him) and his murder of Gaia after they made love. It is also implied that his obsession with getting Gannicus is not just for commercial reasons.
  • The Latin word for merchant was Mercator.

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